How satisfied are US physicians with their career and pay?

By Physician Sense, for MDLinx
Published November 1, 2019

Key Takeaways

US-based physicians seem to be quite happy with their jobs, and only slightly less pleased with their earnings. That’s according to a new survey from our sister company, PracticeMatch, which queried about 2,000 doctors, seeking their opinions on the profession in 2018.

The survey asked doctors to rate their satisfaction level with their job and their earnings. They received the following options: 

  • Extremely/Very Dissatisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied
  • Extremely Satisfied

About half of the physicians said they were Very Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with their jobs. And about a third of doctors said they were either Very Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with their compensation. 

The percentages hold true when looking at the physicians’ practice types, as well as career duration. For example, 48% of the doctors in private practice and 50% of those working in hospitals said they were Very Satisfied or Extremely Satisfied with their jobs. Fifty percent of physicians with fewer than 10 years of experience and 48% with more than 20 years of experience agreed.

The data show only a slight dip in the doctors who are satisfied with their jobs. They range from 37-39%. Extremely/Very Dissatisfied doctors ranged from 13-15%.

Compensation for physicians

Using the same criteria, the survey asked physicians to rate their compensation for 2018. Survey results showed that about a third of doctors were Very or Extremely Satisfied with their compensation, which took into account any bonuses. Of the 1,218 physicians who elected to provide information about their earnings, 33% said they were Very or Extremely Satisfied with what they were receiving. Forty-six percent said they were Satisfied, and 21% said they were Extremely or Very Dissatisfied.

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